Emergency Treatment, Root Canal Therapy
If you have been advised to fix your damaged or decaying tooth through root canal therapy, we want you to feel comfortable with the procedure before you are sitting in the dental chair. Many people develop anxiety surrounding a root canal procedure, so it is important to know and understand the process before it begins. The expectations are outlined here to allow your nerves to settle before you come in to see us at Charlotte Emergency Dental.
Your root canal procedure can be finished in just one appointment, but there are some instances that may require a second follow-up. Your first appointment is when we will actually complete the procedure so that your tooth is totally free of infection. We will begin by taking an X-ray of the damaged tooth, and then provide you with a local anesthetic so that the affected area is numb and you will feel comfortable throughout the entire appointment. Here’s what to expect:
A second appointment may be needed to place a dental crown, or some other kind of dental restoration, on top of the newly cleaned tooth to protect against future infection and regain its full functionality. From here we will provide you with instructions to ensure you are allowing your root canal therapy to succeed by letting it heal properly and maintaining good oral health.
Are you ready to move forward with your root canal therapy now that you know what to expect? Call us at 704-525-3939 and we can help provide you with the care you need to keep your oral health on track!
We have temporarily updated our hours, reflected below.
9:00am – 7:00pm
9:00am – 3:00pm
Save time, print online! Fill out forms online before your first visit to shorten your appointment time with us.